Centro de Informações
Última atualização: 22 de out. de 2024
Reserva com data aberta
As a result of many requests, we now offer the possibility of booking with an open date. This means that the date chosen for the service is not definitive and can be changed at will and free of charge. We know that with this option those who still do not have a definite vacation date or airline tickets, for example, can book and secure the spaces.
Book with an open date
- At the time of booking, please indicate the most probable date for the desired service. This allows us to know the period.
- Select the Open date option. If this option is not selected, we will consider the date as definitive.
Change the date
The change of date is free of charge and can be made at will, but under certain conditions:
- If there are few spaces left for the probable date chosen, our agency will contact you to ask for confirmation of the date. We cannot reserve the contracted services if we are not sure of the date.
- If the probable date chosen is close, the same as above applies.
- If the service has already been booked, it is no longer possible to change the date. Any service booked and paid for by our agency cannot be changed or reimbursed by the Ministry of Culture.
- The change can be easily made from the reservation follow-up page by simply selecting a new date.
- The change can only be made for a date with available spaces. If there are no spaces available for the new date, it is impossible to choose that date.
- If the new date chosen is in the future, it must be within a reasonable time frame. For example, it is not possible to book for the current year and then change the date to two years from now.
Of course, our agency will provide you with all the facilities to change the date. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have specific needs.
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